public static int GetColorBlindSafePalette(Color[] palette, float minimumLuminance, float maximumLuminance);Параметры
palette | Массив цветов для заполнения палитры. |
minimumLuminance | Минимально допустимая воспринимаемая яркость от 0 до 1. Для темного фона рекомендуется значение 0,2 или выше. |
maximumLuminance | Максимально допустимая воспринимаемая яркость от 0 до 1. Для светлого фона рекомендуется значение 0,8 или меньше. |
int Количество однозначных цветов в палитре.
Gets a palette of colors that should be distinguishable for normal vision, deuteranopia, protanopia, and tritanopia.
Allocate the size of your palette before passing it to this method to specify how many colors you need. The return value indicates how many unambiguous colors exist in the palette. If this value is less than the size of the palette, then the palette repeats colors in order.
Добавьте следующий скрипт в Assets/Editor как ColorSwatchExample.cs и перейдите к пункту меню Window -> Color Swatch Example.
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Accessibility;
public class ColorSwatchExample : EditorWindow
// size of swatch background textures to generate
private const int k_SwatchTextureSize = 16;
// the maximum number of swatches for this example
private const int k_MaxPaletteSize = 10;
[MenuItem("Window/Color Swatch Example")]
private static void CreateWindow()
var window = GetWindow();
window.position = new Rect(0f, 0f, 400f, 80f);
// the background textures to use for the swatches
private Texture2D[] m_SwatchBackgrounds = new Texture2D[k_MaxPaletteSize];
// the desired number of swatches
private int m_PaletteSize = 8;
// the range of desired luminance values
private Vector2 m_DesiredLuminance = new Vector2(0.2f, 0.9f);
// the colors obtained
private Color[] m_Palette;
// the number of unique colors in the palette before they repeat
private int m_NumUniqueColors;
// create swatch background textures when window first opens
protected virtual void OnEnable()
titleContent = new GUIContent("Color Swatches");
// create background swatches with different patterns for repeated colors
m_SwatchBackgrounds[0] = CreateSwatchBackground(k_SwatchTextureSize, 0, 0);
m_SwatchBackgrounds[1] = CreateSwatchBackground(k_SwatchTextureSize, 1, 4);
m_SwatchBackgrounds[2] = CreateSwatchBackground(k_SwatchTextureSize, 1, 3);
m_SwatchBackgrounds[3] = CreateSwatchBackground(k_SwatchTextureSize, 6, 1);
m_SwatchBackgrounds[4] = CreateSwatchBackground(k_SwatchTextureSize, 4, 3);
m_SwatchBackgrounds[5] = CreateSwatchBackground(k_SwatchTextureSize, 6, 6);
m_SwatchBackgrounds[6] = CreateSwatchBackground(k_SwatchTextureSize, 4, 2);
m_SwatchBackgrounds[7] = CreateSwatchBackground(k_SwatchTextureSize, 6, 4);
m_SwatchBackgrounds[8] = CreateSwatchBackground(k_SwatchTextureSize, 2, 5);
m_SwatchBackgrounds[9] = CreateSwatchBackground(k_SwatchTextureSize, 1, 2);
// clean up textures when window is closed
protected virtual void OnDisable()
for (int i = 0, count = m_SwatchBackgrounds.Length; i < count; ++i)
protected virtual void OnGUI()
// input desired number of colors and luminance values
m_PaletteSize = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider("Palette Size", m_PaletteSize, 0, k_MaxPaletteSize);
float min = m_DesiredLuminance.x;
float max = m_DesiredLuminance.y;
EditorGUILayout.MinMaxSlider("Luminance Range", ref min, ref max, 0f, 1f);
m_DesiredLuminance = new Vector2(min, max);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
// display warning message if parameters are out of range
if (m_NumUniqueColors == 0)
string warningMessage = "Unable to generate any unique colors with the specified luminance requirements.";
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(warningMessage, MessageType.Warning);
// otherwise display swatches in a row
using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope())
Color oldColor = GUI.color;
int swatchBackgroundIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m_PaletteSize; ++i)
// change swatch background pattern when reaching a repeated color
if (i > 0 && i % m_NumUniqueColors == 0)
Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(k_SwatchTextureSize * 2, k_SwatchTextureSize * 2);
rect.width = k_SwatchTextureSize * 2;
GUI.color = m_Palette[i];
GUI.DrawTexture(rect, m_SwatchBackgrounds[swatchBackgroundIndex], ScaleMode.ScaleToFit, true);
GUI.color = oldColor;
// create a white texture with some pixels discarded to make a pattern
private Texture2D CreateSwatchBackground(int size, int discardPixelCount, int discardPixelStep)
var swatchBackground = new Texture2D(size, size);
swatchBackground.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;
swatchBackground.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
var pixels = swatchBackground.GetPixels32();
int counter = 0;
bool discard = false;
for (int i = 0, count = pixels.Length; i < count; ++i)
pixels[i] = new Color32(255, 255, 255, (byte)(discard ? 0 : 255));
if (discard && counter == discardPixelCount)
discard = false;
counter = 0;
else if (!discard && counter == discardPixelStep)
discard = true;
counter = 0;
return swatchBackground;
// request new palette
private void UpdatePalette()
m_Palette = new Color[m_PaletteSize];
m_NumUniqueColors =
VisionUtility.GetColorBlindSafePalette(m_Palette, m_DesiredLuminance.x, m_DesiredLuminance.y);