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Руководство API скрипты

Применение значений по умолчанию к Ассетам по папкам

Для больших проектов вы можете использовать несколько предустановок для импорта одного и того же типа ресурсов. Например, для ресурсов текстуры у вас может быть предустановка для импорта текстур по умолчанию и другая для Lightmapпредварительно обработанная текстура, содержащая воздействие источников света на статичные объекты в сцене. Карты освещения накладываются поверх геометрии сцены для создания эффекта освещения. Подробнее
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текстуры. В папке Assets вашего проекта у вас есть отдельные папки для каждого из этих типов текстур.

Папки TexturesDefault и TexturesLighting имеют пресеты.
В папках TexturesDefault и TexturesLighting есть пресеты.

Следующий скрипт применяет предустановку на основе папки, в которую вы добавляете ресурс. Этот скрипт выбирает пресет, который находится в той же папке, что и актив. Если в папке нет Preset, этот скрипт ищет родительские папки. Если в родительских папках нет пресетов, Unity использует пресет по умолчанию, указанный в окне Preset.

Чтобы использовать этот сценарий, создайте новую папку с именем Editor в окне проектаокне. который показывает содержимое вашей папки Assets (вкладка "Проект") Подробнее
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, создайте в этой папке новый сценарий C#, затем скопируйте и вставьте этот скрипт.

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.Experimental; using UnityEditor.Presets; using UnityEngine; namespace PresetsPerFolder { /// /// This sample class applies Presets automatically to Assets in the folder containing the Preset and any subfolders. /// The code is divided into three parts that set up importer dependencies to make sure the importers of all Assets stay deterministic. /// /// OnPreprocessAsset: /// This method goes from the root folder down to the Asset folder for each imported asset /// and registers a CustomDependency to each folder in case a Preset is added/removed at a later time. /// It then loads all Presets from that folder and tries to apply them to the Asset importer. /// If it is applied, the method adds a direct dependency to each Preset so that the Asset can be re-imported when the Preset values are changed. /// public class EnforcePresetPostProcessor : AssetPostprocessor { void OnPreprocessAsset() { // The if(assetPath....) line ensures that the asset path starts with "Assets/" so that the AssetPostprocessor is not applied to Assets in a package. // The Asset extension cannot end with .cs to avoid triggering a code compilation every time a Preset is created or removed. // The Asset extension cannot end with .preset so that Presets don't depend on themselves, which would cause an infinite import loop. // There may be more exceptions to add here depending on your project. if (assetPath.StartsWith("Assets/") && !assetPath.EndsWith(".cs") && !assetPath.EndsWith(".preset")) { var path = Path.GetDirectoryName(assetPath); ApplyPresetsFromFolderRecursively(path); } } void ApplyPresetsFromFolderRecursively(string folder) { // Apply Presets in order starting from the parent folder to the Asset so that the Preset closest to the Asset is applied last. var parentFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(folder); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentFolder)) ApplyPresetsFromFolderRecursively(parentFolder); // Add a dependency to the folder Preset custom key // so whenever a Preset is added to or removed from this folder, the Asset is re-imported. context.DependsOnCustomDependency($"PresetPostProcessor_{folder}"); // Find all Preset Assets in this folder. Use the System.Directory method instead of the AssetDatabase // because the import may run in a separate process which prevents the AssetDatabase from performing a global search. var presetPaths = Directory.EnumerateFiles(folder, "*.preset", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly) .OrderBy(a => a); foreach (var presetPath in presetPaths) { // Load the Preset and try to apply it to the importer. var preset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(presetPath); // The script adds a Presets dependency to an Asset in two cases: //1 If the Asset is imported before the Preset, the Preset will not load because it is not yet imported. //Adding a dependency between the Asset and the Preset allows the Asset to be re-imported so that Unity loads //the assigned Preset and can try to apply its values. //2 If the Preset loads successfully, the ApplyTo method returns true if the Preset applies to this Asset's import settings. //Adding the Preset as a dependency to the Asset ensures that any change in the Preset values will re-import the Asset using the new values. if (preset == null || preset.ApplyTo(assetImporter)) { // Using DependsOnArtifact here because Presets are native assets and using DependsOnSourceAsset would not work. context.DependsOnArtifact(presetPath); } } } } /// /// InitPresetDependencies: /// This method is called when the project is loaded. It finds every imported Preset in the project. /// For each folder containing a Preset, create a CustomDependency from the folder name and a hash from the list of Preset names and types in the folder. /// /// OnAssetsModified: /// Whenever a Preset is added, removed, or moved from a folder, the CustomDependency for this folder needs to be updated /// so Assets that may depend on those Presets are reimported. /// /// TODO: Ideally each CustomDependency should also be dependent on the PresetType, /// so Textures are not re-imported by adding a new FBXImporterPreset in a folder. /// This makes the InitPresetDependencies and OnPostprocessAllAssets methods too complex for the purpose of this example. /// Unity suggests having the CustomDependency follow the form "Preset_{presetType}_{folder}", /// and the hash containing only Presets of the given presetType in that folder. /// public class UpdateFolderPresetDependency : AssetsModifiedProcessor { /// /// This method with the InitializeOnLoadMethod will be called every time the project is being loaded or the code is compiled. /// It is very important to set all of the hashes correctly at startup /// because Unity does not apply the OnPostprocessAllAssets method to previously imported Presets /// and the CustomDependencies are not saved between sessions and need to be rebuilt every time. /// [InitializeOnLoadMethod] static void InitPresetDependencies() { // AssetDatabase.FindAssets uses a glob filter to avoid importing all objects in the project. // This glob search only looks for .preset files. var allPaths = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("glob:\"**.preset\"") .Select(AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath) .OrderBy(a => a) .ToList(); bool atLeastOnUpdate = false; string previousPath = string.Empty; Hash128 hash = new Hash128(); for (var index = 0; index < allPaths.Count; index++) { var path = allPaths[index]; var folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); if (folder != previousPath) { // When a new folder is found, create a new CustomDependency with the Preset name and the Preset type. if (previousPath != string.Empty) { AssetDatabase.RegisterCustomDependency($"PresetPostProcessor_{previousPath}", hash); atLeastOnUpdate = true; } hash = new Hash128(); previousPath = folder; } // Append both path and Preset type to make sure Assets get re-imported whenever a Preset type is changed. hash.Append(path); hash.Append(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path).GetTargetFullTypeName()); } // Register the last path. if (previousPath != string.Empty) { AssetDatabase.RegisterCustomDependency($"PresetPostProcessor_{previousPath}", hash); atLeastOnUpdate = true; } // Only trigger a Refresh if there is at least one dependency updated here. if (atLeastOnUpdate) AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } /// /// The OnAssetsModified method is called whenever an Asset has been changed in the project. /// This methods determines if any Preset has been added, removed, or moved /// and updates the CustomDependency related to the changed folder. /// protected override void OnAssetsModified(string[] changedAssets, string[] addedAssets, string[] deletedAssets, AssetMoveInfo[] movedAssets) { HashSet folders = new HashSet(); foreach (var asset in changedAssets) { // A Preset has been changed, so the dependency for this folder must be updated in case the Preset type has been changed. if (asset.EndsWith(".preset")) { folders.Add(Path.GetDirectoryName(asset)); } } foreach (var asset in addedAssets) { // A new Preset has been added, so the dependency for this folder must be updated. if (asset.EndsWith(".preset")) { folders.Add(Path.GetDirectoryName(asset)); } } foreach (var asset in deletedAssets) { // A Preset has been removed, so the dependency for this folder must be updated. if (asset.EndsWith(".preset")) { folders.Add(Path.GetDirectoryName(asset)); } } foreach (var movedAsset in movedAssets) { // A Preset has been moved, so the dependency for the previous and new folder must be updated. if (movedAsset.destinationAssetPath.EndsWith(".preset")) { folders.Add(Path.GetDirectoryName(movedAsset.destinationAssetPath)); } if (movedAsset.sourceAssetPath.EndsWith(".preset")) { folders.Add(Path.GetDirectoryName(movedAsset.sourceAssetPath)); } } // Do not add a dependency update for no reason. if (folders.Count != 0) { // The dependencies need to be updated outside of the AssetPostprocessor calls. // Register the method to the next Editor update. EditorApplication.delayCall += () => { DelayedDependencyRegistration(folders); }; } } /// /// This method loads all Presets in each of the given folder paths /// and updates the CustomDependency hash based on the Presets currently in that folder. /// static void DelayedDependencyRegistration(HashSet folders) { foreach (var folder in folders) { var presetPaths = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("glob:\"**.preset\"", new[] { folder }) .Select(AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath) .Where(presetPath => Path.GetDirectoryName(presetPath) == folder) .OrderBy(a => a); Hash128 hash = new Hash128(); foreach (var presetPath in presetPaths) { // Append both path and Preset type to make sure Assets get re-imported whenever a Preset type is changed. hash.Append(presetPath); hash.Append(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(presetPath).GetTargetFullTypeName()); } AssetDatabase.RegisterCustomDependency($"PresetPostProcessor_{folder}", hash); } // Manually trigger a Refresh // so that the AssetDatabase triggers a dependency check on the updated folder hash. AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } } }

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