Используйте ForceMode, чтобы указать, как применять силу с помощью Rigidbody.AddForce.
Функция AddForce влияет на то, как движется ваш игровой объект, позволяя вам определить собственный вектор силы, а также выбрать способ применения этой силы к игровому объекту (к этому игровому объекту должен быть присоединен компонент Rigidbody).
ForceMode позволяет вам выбрать один из четырех способов воздействия на игровой объект с помощью этой силы: Acceleration, Force, Impulse и VelocityChange.
Дополнительную информацию о том, как ForceMode влияет на скорость, см. в разделе Rigidbody.AddForce.
using UnityEngine;
public class ForceModeExample : MonoBehaviour
//Use to switch between Force Modes
enum ModeSwitching { Start, Impulse, Acceleration, Force, VelocityChange };
ModeSwitching m_ModeSwitching;
Vector3 m_StartPos, m_StartForce;
Vector3 m_NewForce;
Rigidbody m_Rigidbody;
string m_ForceXString = string.Empty;
string m_ForceYString = string.Empty;
float m_ForceX, m_ForceY;
float m_Result;
void Start()
//You get the Rigidbody component you attach to the GameObject
m_Rigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
//This starts at first mode (nothing happening yet)
m_ModeSwitching = ModeSwitching.Start;
//Initialising the force which is used on GameObject in various ways
m_NewForce = new Vector3(-5.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
//Initialising floats
m_ForceX = 0;
m_ForceY = 0;
//The forces typed in from the text fields (the ones you can manipulate in Game view)
m_ForceXString = "0";
m_ForceYString = "0";
//The GameObject's starting position and Rigidbody position
m_StartPos = transform.position;
m_StartForce = m_Rigidbody.transform.position;
void FixedUpdate()
//If the current mode is not the starting mode (or the GameObject is not reset), the force can change
if (m_ModeSwitching != ModeSwitching.Start)
//The force changes depending what you input into the text fields
m_NewForce = new Vector3(m_ForceX, m_ForceY, 0);
//Here, switching modes depend on button presses in the Game mode
switch (m_ModeSwitching)
//This is the starting mode which resets the GameObject
case ModeSwitching.Start:
//This resets the GameObject and Rigidbody to their starting positions
transform.position = m_StartPos;
m_Rigidbody.transform.position = m_StartForce;
//This resets the velocity of the Rigidbody
m_Rigidbody.velocity = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);
//These are the modes ForceMode can force on a Rigidbody
//This is Acceleration mode
case ModeSwitching.Acceleration:
//The function converts the text fields into floats and updates the Rigidbody’s force
//Use Acceleration as the force on the Rigidbody
m_Rigidbody.AddForce(m_NewForce, ForceMode.Acceleration);
//This is Force Mode, using a continuous force on the Rigidbody considering its mass
case ModeSwitching.Force:
//Converts the text fields into floats and updates the force applied to the Rigidbody
//Use Force as the force on GameObject’s Rigidbody
m_Rigidbody.AddForce(m_NewForce, ForceMode.Force);
//This is Impulse Mode, which involves using the Rigidbody’s mass to apply an instant impulse force.
case ModeSwitching.Impulse:
//The function converts the text fields into floats and updates the force applied to the Rigidbody
//Use Impulse as the force on GameObject
m_Rigidbody.AddForce(m_NewForce, ForceMode.Impulse);
//This is VelocityChange which involves ignoring the mass of the GameObject and impacting it with a sudden speed change in a direction
case ModeSwitching.VelocityChange:
//Converts the text fields into floats and updates the force applied to the Rigidbody
//Make a Velocity change on the Rigidbody
m_Rigidbody.AddForce(m_NewForce, ForceMode.VelocityChange);
//The function outputs buttons, text fields, and other interactable UI elements to the Scene in Game view
void OnGUI()
//Getting the inputs from each text field and storing them as strings
m_ForceXString = GUI.TextField(new Rect(300, 10, 200, 20), m_ForceXString, 25);
m_ForceYString = GUI.TextField(new Rect(300, 30, 200, 20), m_ForceYString, 25);
//Press the button to reset the GameObject and Rigidbody
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(100, 0, 150, 30), "Reset"))
//This switches to the start/reset case
m_ModeSwitching = ModeSwitching.Start;
//When you press the Acceleration button, switch to Acceleration mode
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(100, 30, 150, 30), "Apply Acceleration"))
//Switch to Acceleration (apply acceleration force to GameObject)
m_ModeSwitching = ModeSwitching.Acceleration;
//If you press the Impulse button
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(100, 60, 150, 30), "Apply Impulse"))
//Switch to impulse (apply impulse forces to GameObject)
m_ModeSwitching = ModeSwitching.Impulse;
//If you press the Force Button, switch to Force state
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(100, 90, 150, 30), "Apply Force"))
//Switch to Force (apply force to GameObject)
m_ModeSwitching = ModeSwitching.Force;
//Press the button to switch to VelocityChange state
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(100, 120, 150, 30), "Apply Velocity Change"))
//Switch to velocity changing
m_ModeSwitching = ModeSwitching.VelocityChange;
//Changing strings to floats for the forces
float ConvertToFloat(string Name)
float.TryParse(Name, out m_Result);
return m_Result;
//Set the converted float from the text fields as the forces to apply to the Rigidbody
void MakeCustomForce()
//This converts the strings to floats
m_ForceX = ConvertToFloat(m_ForceXString);
m_ForceY = ConvertToFloat(m_ForceYString);
Force | Добавьте непрерывную силу к твердому телу, используя его массу. |
Acceleration | Добавить твердому телу непрерывное ускорение, игнорируя его массу. |
Impulse | Добавьте мгновенный импульс силы к твердому телу, используя его массу. |
VelocityChange | Добавьте мгновенное изменение скорости к твердому телу, игнорируя его массу. |