Режим фильтрации текстур. Соответствует настройкам в инспекторе текстур.
Смотрите так же: Texture.filterMode, texture assets.
//This script changes the filter mode of your Texture you attach when you press the space key in Play Mode. It switches between Point, Bilinear and Trilinear filter modes.
//Attach this script to a GameObject
//Click on the GameObject and attach a Texture to the My Texture field in the Inspector.
//Apply the Texture to GameObjects (click and drag the Texture onto a GameObject in Editor mode) in your Scene to see it change modes in-game.
using UnityEngine;
public class Example : MonoBehaviour
//Remember to assign a Texture in the Inspector window to ensure this works
public Texture m_MyTexture;
void Update()
//Press the space key to switch between Filter Modes
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
//Switch the Texture's Filter Mode
m_MyTexture.filterMode = SwitchFilterModes();
//Output the current Filter Mode to the console
Debug.Log("Filter mode : " + m_MyTexture.filterMode);
//Switch between Filter Modes when the user clicks the ButtonFilterMode SwitchFilterModes()
//Switch the Filter Mode of the Texture when user clicks the Button
switch (m_MyTexture.filterMode)
//If the FilterMode is currently Bilinear, switch it to Point on the Button click
case FilterMode.Bilinear:
m_MyTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
//If the FilterMode is currently Point, switch it to Trilinear on the Button click
case FilterMode.Point:
m_MyTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Trilinear;
//If the FilterMode is currently Trilinear, switch it to Bilinear on the Button click
case FilterMode.Trilinear:
m_MyTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear;
//Return the new TextureFilterMode
return m_MyTexture.filterMode;
Point | Фильтрация точек - пиксели текстуры становятся блочными вблизи. |
Bilinear | Билинейная фильтрация - выборки текстур усредняются. |
Trilinear | Трилинейная фильтрация — выборки текстур усредняются, а также смешиваются между уровнями MIP-карт. |