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public static Animations.AnimationScriptPlayable Create(Playables.PlayableGraph graph, T jobData, int inputCount);


graph Объект PlayableGraph, которому будет принадлежать AnimationScriptPlayable.
job Объект IAnimationJob для выполнения при обработке воспроизводимого объекта.
inputCount Количество входов на playable.


AnimationScriptPlayable Новый AnimationScriptPlayable связан с PlayableGraph.


Создает AnimationScriptPlayable в PlayableGraph.

Этот playable содержит задание, реализующее IAnimationJob. Этот интерфейс определяет два метода, которые будут вызываться при обработке PlayableGraph.

Вот пример создания AnimationScriptPlayable с помощью простого IAnimationJob:

using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Playables; using UnityEngine.Animations; public struct AnimationJob : IAnimationJob { public int userData; public void ProcessRootMotion(AnimationStream stream) { // This method is called during the root motion process pass. } public void ProcessAnimation(AnimationStream stream) { // This method is called during the animation process pass. Debug.Log(string.Format("Value of the userData: {0}", userData)); } } [RequireComponent(typeof(Animator))] public class AnimationScriptExample : MonoBehaviour { PlayableGraph m_Graph; AnimationScriptPlayable m_AnimationScriptPlayable; void OnEnable() { m_Graph = PlayableGraph.Create("AnimationScriptExample"); var output = AnimationPlayableOutput.Create(m_Graph, "ouput", GetComponent<Animator>()); var animationJob = new AnimationJob(); m_AnimationScriptPlayable = AnimationScriptPlayable.Create(m_Graph, animationJob); output.SetSourcePlayable(m_AnimationScriptPlayable); m_Graph.Play(); } void Update() { var animationJob = m_AnimationScriptPlayable.GetJobData(); ++animationJob.userData; m_AnimationScriptPlayable.SetJobData(animationJob); } void OnDisable() { m_Graph.Destroy(); } }

Смотрите так же: IAnimationJob, AnimatorJobExtensions.

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API скрипты 2021.3