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Руководство API скрипты
public float progress;


Как продвигается операция. (Только чтение)

Показать ход выполнения операции. (Только чтение) Возвращает, каким образом операция близка к завершению. Операция завершается, когда поплавок прогресса кризиса 1,0 и восстание завершена. Если вы установите для параметра allowSceneActivation значение false, процесс остановится на 0,9, пока для него не будет установлено значение true. Это полезно для создания полосы загрузки.

Смотрите так же: isDone.

//This script lets you load a Scene asynchronously. It uses an asyncOperation to calculate the progress and outputs the current progress to Text (could also be used to make progress bars). //Attach this script to a GameObject //Create a Button (Create>UI>Button) and a Text GameObject (Create>UI>Text) and attach them both to the Inspector of your GameObject //In Play Mode, press your Button to load the Scene, and the Text changes depending on progress. Press the space key to activate the Scene. //Note: The progress may look like it goes straight to 100% if your Scene doesn’t have a lot to load. using System.Collections; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; using UnityEngine.UI; public class AsyncOperationProgressExample : MonoBehaviour { public Text m_Text; public Button m_Button; void Start() { //Call the LoadButton() function when the user clicks this Button m_Button.onClick.AddListener(LoadButton); } void LoadButton() { //Start loading the Scene asynchronously and output the progress bar StartCoroutine(LoadScene()); } IEnumerator LoadScene() { yield return null; //Begin to load the Scene you specify AsyncOperation asyncOperation = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync("Scene3"); //Don't let the Scene activate until you allow it to asyncOperation.allowSceneActivation = false; Debug.Log("Pro :" + asyncOperation.progress); //When the load is still in progress, output the Text and progress bar while (!asyncOperation.isDone) { //Output the current progress m_Text.text = "Loading progress: " + (asyncOperation.progress * 100) + "%"; // Check if the load has finished if (asyncOperation.progress >= 0.9f) { //Change the Text to show the Scene is ready m_Text.text = "Press the space bar to continue"; //Wait to you press the space key to activate the Scene if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) //Activate the Scene asyncOperation.allowSceneActivation = true; } yield return null; } } }
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API скрипты 2021.3